Sunday 20 March 2011

Going well beyond the call of duty...

It has been an exceptionally tough month for the 52 strong New Zealand Fire Service Union Search and Rescue (USAR) team.  They arrived back in Auckland today after seven days in bitterly cold conditions searching for survivors in the costal Minamisanriku area, about 200km north of Tokyo.  They slept in tents and at times the temperature reached minus 17.

Many had not had a break since the devastating Christchurch earthquake on February 22, and had spent a total of just a few hours with their families in the last month.

Some rescuers had also been involved in the rescue efforts following the September 4th earthquake in Christchurch, the Boxing Day aftershock and the Pike River Mine disaster.

For the full story go to

The New Zealand USAR team deserve far more than a rest.  I am very proud to call them our kiwis.  I hopefully speak for all kiwis when I say we sincerely thank and appreciate your dedication, skills and courage over the last five or so months as you have supported New Zealand and Japan.  A big thank you to all of the families of the team who have let us "borrow" your loved ones during these unbelievable times.

1 comment:

  1. Funnily enough this morning I was in a lift with one of the USAR guys - he was beaming, just about to have a debrief and then a good amount of time with his very pregnant wife. Well deserved I say :)
